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We believe that faith is best formed in our homes in the primary relationships of husbands, wives, moms, dads, brothers, and sisters.  Faith is also formed in the congregation.  Milestones ministry brings those faith formative places together. Immanuel currently celebrates 8 faith and family milestones:


  • Baptism

  • Entering Preschool (age 3)

  • Entering Kindergarten

  • Receiving a Bible (3rd grade)

  • First Communion (5th grade)

  • Entrance into confirmation (7th grade)

  • Completing Confirmation (usually 10th grade)

  • Graduation


We do our very best to fill these milestones with prayer and blessing for families and the congregation.  And we are currently working through a visioning process to make their milestones even more faith formative.  If you or someone you love is approaching one of these milestones, we’d love to be part of that – all while helping you make God a part of that, too.

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