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Offer your time and talents in the coming months!  We welcome the gifts of ALL AGES.
Please contact the church office (631-2738 or to offer your gifts of service or sign up on the bulletin board by the church office.



Our ushers are the first to welcome congregants into the sanctuary on Sunday mornings or evening worship. Besides greeting people, ushers pass out bulletins, count number of congregants attending, collect offering during the specified time during worship, dismiss congregants from pews for the distribution of communion, and tidy the pews after worship.



Lectors help share the Word of God by reading the first and second lessons and the psalm worship.   


Altar Care Team

We are looking for people to join our Altar Care Team to set up for communion.  This is a great opportunity for “behind the scenes” service and could be done as little as 1-2x/year!


Communion Serving

We invite you to help serve communion with our pastors on Sunday morning.  We have many who are willing, so signing up to serve would be an occasional opportunity. 



Our worship services include a cantor to lead the congregation in singing each.  Occasionally, special music is needed, too.



Timely service opportunities are published in weekly bulletins and the monthly newsletter.

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