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It is our goal to encourage the women of Immanuel to become more aware of the importance of our organization, to become more involved and make it a priority in their lives.  To accomplish this, we will:


  • Affirm each woman through prayer and support.

  • Encourage women to use their spiritual gifts.

  • Support Lutheran World Relief with quilts, kits and clothing.

  • Present a quilt to all who are baptized at Immanuel.

  • Serve the Wadena Rotary Club a meal for their

  • regularly scheduled meetings. This enables us to have the funds to support many ministries at home and abroad, such as the ELCA, World Hunger, Fair Oaks, Empty Stocking, Luther Crest, college scholarships and camperships.

  • Be involved in service projects such as funerals and weddings.

  • Remember our elderly, homebound and bereaved with our visits and prayers.

  • Reach out in friendship to all women and to new members of Immanuel Lutheran Church.


Mirim Circle

Meets the first Tuesday at 1:30 pm

April through July - Nursing Home Visitation

Chairwoman: Shirley Hartjen

Treasurer: Shirley Hartjen

Growth Chair: Gail Schoberg

Action Chair: Gladys Chase


Altar Care

Meets the First Tuesday at 1:30 pm

December through March - Nursing Home Visitation

Chairwoman: Avis Paulsen & Betty White

Treasurer: Shirley Hamre

Growth Chair: Marilyn Brink

Action Chair: Shirley Hamre




Group #1: Meatballs

Chairperson: Chris Olson


Group #2: Pork Chops

Chairperson: Sharon Squier


Group #3: Soup & Sandwich

Chairperson: Gail Kluenenberg


Group #4: Roast Beef

Chairperson: Gail Schoberg


Group #5: Lasagna

Chairperson: Deb Haraldson



Group #1

Chairperson: Sharon Boline & Iona Fiskum


Group #2

Chairperson: Sally Adams & Edna Hunnicutt 


Group #3

Chairperson: Georjean Johnson, Diane Teigland



Ruth Circle

Meets the first Tuesday at 7:00 pm at Humphrey Manor

August through November - Nursing Home Visitation

Chairwoman: Jane Bagstad

Treasurer: Iona Fiskum

Growth Chair: Gloria Anderson

Action Chair: Jan Hillesland & Jeanne Olson


Sunday Night Bible Study

All women are welcome to a topical Bible Study each Sunday night at 6:30 pm. Each study is a stand alone study so you may come at any time. Bring your bible.  Daycare provided.

Download a copy of the ICW's 2015 Yearbook


The ICW Yearbook is presented in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.  Even as a PDF, the yearbook file size can be fairly large due to graphics.

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