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When you come to worship at Immanuel, you can expect three things:


  • First, you can expect to encounter Christ Jesus through what we, as Lutherans, call Word and Sacrament.  We believe that when God’s Word is read out loud, when sermons are bible-centered, and relevant, when we gather around the baptismal font to welcome a new follower of Christ, when we gather around the table for the bread and wine of communion, and when people love and support each other in fellowship and prayer that Christ Himself shows up with forgiveness, grace, and a promise of new life.  You can expect such things at Immanuel


  • Second, you can expect a lot of variety in worship styles and music.  We have many people with various musical gifts here at Immanuel.  And we put those gifts to use each week.  On the first Our Sunday music includes a jazz liturgy called, “One Body Alive,” a praise service with guitar and percussion, a bluegrass/folk style service, and several more traditional order of service from our hymnal and other sources.  You can expect a different form of worship almost every Sunday of the month.  It takes a little getting used to, but we try very hard to make sure that both visitors and long-time members can follow along with every service.  And once you get the hang of it, we think the variety will be good for your soul.


  • Finally, you can expect a variety of people using their gifts in service.  In addition to musicians, we think that EVERYONE has something to offer on Sunday mornings.  So we put people to work as ushers, greeter, scripture readers, assisting ministers, coffee servers, and communion assistants.  We can use your gifts, too!!


If you haven’t been to Immanuel on a Sunday morning, we hope you’ll join us soon.

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Contact Us

403 2nd Street SE

Wadena, MN 56482



218.631.7289 (FAX)

Worship Times

Worship Sundays at 9:30 am. 

Watch us live on our YouTube channel Sundays at 9:30 am.

Listen to our radio broadcast Sundays on KWAD 920AM at 9:30 am

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