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As people of faith, God has called us to be at work in His world.  Even though this world can be full of trouble and temptation which we are wise to avoid, God is still active and present in this world, blessing it daily with ordinary and extraordinary gifts.  And He is active in and through us.  Prayer, Bible study, worship and other devotional activities are good and important.  But God has other plans for our time as well.  He uses us in our daily lives as part of His ongoing blessing of His creation.  Ordinary, basic, everyday activities are actually used by God to bless the world.  And though God uses all people to do his work – Chrisians and non-Christians – Christians do their work aware of God’s work through them in the world.  And so, as they work in this life, they are poised to also tell others of the joy they have in losing themselves in this ordinary but extraordinary work.


We work hard to equip people for their work at home, at their workplace, and in their community.  We offer service projects in the community and congregation.  And we try to offer many ways for people to use their gifts within worship.


While we offer such service, we believe that God is working through us.  And not just through us, but on us.  Our service shapes and forms our faith as well.


We hope you’ll find a way to be put to work in and through Immanuel.

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