We believe that everyone has something to offer in service on Sunday mornings. We welcome individuals, couples and families to serve on these teams. Even young children can We have 5 teams of people who offer their gifts on a rotating basic in the following areas.
Our next recruiting and training event will be September 15 at 7:00 pm. Come and learn more about these teams and sign up to serve!
Ushers make sure people have all the resources they need for worship. Ushers direct people for communion and gather the Sunday offering, along with any special offerings for the day. They make sure the sanctuary is tidy at the end of worship. We welcome individuals, couples, and families to serve as Ushers. Joe Kreklau is the Captain for the 8:30 service and Greg Baron is the Captain for the 11:00 service for this team. Contact them to join.
Greeters make sure people are welcomed warmly to worship each Sunday. They are often the first people to speak to new visitors and are vital to making a first impression with those who gather. Diane Teigland serves as this team’s captain. Contact her to join.
Lectors read this lessons on Sunday and sometimes serve as part of a team to read the preaching text “Reader’s Theater” style. They offer another voice to the proclamation of God’s Word. Sharon Boline and Barb Tumberg are co-captains of this team. Contact them to join
Communion Servers:
We celebrate our Lord’s Supper on the first, third, and fifth Sundays of each month. Communion servers typically serve bread, proclaiming, “The Body of Christ, given for you,” to those who come to the altar for communion. Ann Pate, Audrey Brandt Loer and Amy Greenwaldt are the co-captains of this team. Contact them to join.